
Diamond Geezer in a glass

Featured Beverage
In special Jubilee Weekend colours!

London Pride

Diamond Geezer in a glass

Rule Britania

Vital Statistics:

Creator:                 Fuller, Smith & Turner
Style:                   Classic British Ale
Strength:                4.1% ABV (draught) – 4.7% ABV
AI Value:*               5
Killer App:              Turns shopkeepers into empire
Medicinal Qualities:     In trials, 10 out of 10 patients
                         said yes!
Tasting notes:           The more, the merrier..
                         ..a Capital Session Beer!
Grey Scale Rating:**     Platinum
Wt Relativity Index***   9.1

Brew Basics


This classic British ale is brewed at London’s oldest brewery, Fuller’s Griffin Brewery beside the Thames in Chiswick, a site where beer has been brewed for over 350 years

What’s so special?

Ample flavour to keep you interested; sufficient alcohol to keep you interesting; but not so mind-blowing that you forget to go back to the office after lunch

All that’s best about being British: a veritable Diamond Geezer in a glass!

More info: Fuller, Smith & Turner

* AI, or Alcoholic Index is a key parameter in the temporal equation defining (perceived) Drink Time. Ref. ‘Quantum Qorner’ Alcohol Induced Time Dilation Effect
** The official GTG product review rating scale:
Coal (pants) Charcoal (bearable) Gravel (average) Ash (good) Platinum (ace)
*** Westmalle Tripel Relativity Index: higher resolution drink-specific rating comparing beverages to the benchmark Westmalle Tripel, which itself rates the theoretical maximum of 10, with Platinum rated brews being in the range 9-10. More information under: ‘Featured Beverage’
Essential Accessories

Things to make your session even better…

Surprisingly, a perfect day isn’t just about drinking beer. A few little extras can make all the difference*. So we thought we would present you with a small selection of British delicacies to provide you with inspiration for the long weekend.. enjoy!

The GTG: maintaining standards!

a good start

Healthy Tradition

a hearty lunch

a refreshing thunderstorm

a VAT free snack

an alternative tipple

an essential curry

* GTG Health Advice: please Eat Aware – remember: never eat on an empty stomach!

GTG Downtime

