or, Desert Democracy: a prophesy
by D4
Former poet-in-residence at the GTG*
Originally published in GTG April 2011**
Democrats dream, drastic decision desired
Daring D-Day dawns, determined Dare-Devil Democrats denounce despised Dictator
Delusional Demonic Desert Despot defies daily democratic demonstrations, demands Demonstrators disband
Disgraced Diplomatic Doves drop dubious defence deals, disown Dictator
Despot debars descent, disparages democracies, defends Dominion
Delinquent ‘Dirty Dozen’ Dogs do Dictator’s dirty deeds: defile Devotees; destroy dwellings
Disapproving Diplomats deplore deaths, demand Dictator desist
Desperate Dictator’s demonic daily decrees, diarrhea diatribes
Duplicitous Democracies destroy Despot’s defences
Defeated dethroned Dictator departs Domain
Delicate Democracy declared!
Dark days dead…?
Decisive devolution discussed
Deluded Democrats, Dippy Doves, Dubious Deity Devotees, Domineering Delinquents debate disparate designs
Denying differences, drafts discussed, demarcations determined, domains defined
Despite doubts doting Diplomats declare dubious dumbed-down deal
Divisive debate delivers dog’s dinner democracy
Disorder deferred, darkness delayed…
Deluded dawn darkens, dud democracy dying
Debate discarded, dissent debarred, dogmatic disagreements daily
Devious dynastic Despot-Designate drafts dangerous designs, disparages Democrats, debunks democracies
Disingenuous deal deconstructs democratic dream
Darkness deepens
Democracy dissolves
Despondent democratic Disciples declare defeat
Dream destroyed
* Having recovered from a bout of depression triggered by his failure to qualify for X-Factor, D4 has rediscovered his inner-self and has left Grey Town on a mission to establish a free-love commune in Katmandu
** Fans of D4 please don’t be alarmed: gratuitous capital Ds in the original version of the poem have been changed to lower case by the site-moderator. We apologise for this artistic vandalism which was necessary for us to comply with strict new EU rules on acceptable online content. We continue to fight this intrusive assault on artistic freedom and will revert to the original, pure, ‘capital-leading-D-only’ form if and when the legislation is repealed. Well, that’s what we’re telling D4